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Kay Gordon

Isn't it pretty?

The paperbacks are coming! The paperbacks are coming!

The first three books in the Scars Series (Past, Present, and Future) have all been converted to paperback and should be available on Amazon within the week.

I'm not going to lie- when the proof for Past came in the mail a few days ago, I wanted to cry. It was just so dang surreal and so pretty! I never imagined that I'd be holding a book full of words that I put together. It still feels unreal!

Once I finish with Summer by the Lake, the remaining books (Denial, Hope, Surface, and both New Hope Fire Department books) will be made available on paperback as well. I know ebooks are all the craze (and, quite honestly, my preferred source of reading nowadays!) but I definitely wanted the option to be there!

Stay tuned because I'll be offering up a chance to win signed copies of the books in the next few wees!

Until then, take a look at the proof of Past below!

What I'm Currently
Working On

Defend the Zone

-Sacramento Ravage, Book #2

  • Release Date:  Unknown

  • Cover Reveal: Unknown

Our New Normal

  • Release Date: Coming Soon!

  • Cover Reveal: Coming Soon!

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