Kay Gordon
Jun 20, 2020
Guess who's back?
Great. Now I'm going to have The Real Slim Shady stuck in my head for the rest of the day! But seriously- ME! Honestly, the past year has...

Kay Gordon
Mar 24, 2019
Hockey is Coming (No, not the playoffs...)
I mean, the Stanley Cup playoffs ARE coming (and I'm not feeling too optimistic about them with the way my Predators are playing) but...

Kay Gordon
Dec 30, 2018
Oh! Hi there!
Yeah. You don't have to tell me. I suck. In my defense, 2018 was really busy. I wasn't planning on working full time at all in 2018 but...

Kay Gordon
Aug 27, 2017
Cover reveal for Summer by the Lake
So, my ninth novel finally has a cover and I absolutely love it. I've been writing this book for more than a year. I think I started...
Kay Gordon
Aug 1, 2017
Pulling out the stops
Once upon a time, I wrote a book and sent it to my friend to read. When she was done reading it, we decided that I'd try my hand at...